Public Service/Social Welfare CampaignEntrant:
truth "Big Business", "PR", " The 5th"
Credits Corporate Name of Client: American Legacy Foundation Agency: Arnold, Boston Chief Creative Officer: Pete Favat Creative Director: John Kearse Copywriters: John Kearse/Gregg Nelson/Will Chambliss Art Directors: Eric Stephenson/Rob Kottkamp Agency Producer: Carron Pedonti, Smuggler Executive Producer: Amy Febinger Producer: Drew Santarsiero Director: Henry-Alex Rubin Director of Photography: Matthew Woolfe/Jonathan Furmanski Special Effects Company: Brickyard VFX Special Effects By: Dave Wallard / Peter Bullis Editing Facility: Cosmo Street Editorial Editors: Lawrence Young/Aaron Langley Sound Design Company: Soundtrack, Boston Account Service: Paul Nelson/Katherine Karpati/Jessica Weisberger Sound Engineer: Mike Secher VFX Producer: Amy Appleton
Agency Assistant Producer: Liz Cost Project Manager: Bob Carlson Business Affairs: Kim Stevens